Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A l'l bit of learning evry day

I have never been to a club b4...... thr i said it! For all of my 23 yrs of existence, i've never been to a nightclub/disc/dance-club before...... maybe ive never felt the need to go, maybe i wanted to, but thr was never a right tym...... now the strange thing is, i'm here for 6 months, living my life on my own terms, and i'm going to venture out and into a CLUB!!!!
The thought itself is scary, not b'coz ill be killed or sumthing, but by the fact that i'm old enough to make a decision like that, and be confident to live thru it....... these places have always intimidated me.... i've had several opportunities to go, but never had the nerve too face the WORLD in the limelight, as they say...... this place is like a glare into what so many young people are made of. and sometimes i'm scared i'm too different than the rest. My idea of fun is to be wid my friends, talk n be as comfortable talking as i wud be sleeping.
Well, tomorrow is another day, and whatever will be will be Tommorrow...... and as sum1 once wisely said, its best to face ur fears by staring them in the face so that it has to look away first. So wish me luck, as i try growing up, being one of the crowd, and standing out all the same.